洪煥毅 (Huan-yi Hung) 材化所副組長/工研院
洪煥毅 (Huan-yi Hung) 材化所副組長/工研院
開啟循環經濟 : 廢液晶面板之再利用
A Circular Economy Case of LCD Waste Recycling System
LCDs have been the main display devices recently. To satisfy the increasing demands, billions of LCDs are manufactured annually. However, as more LCDs are produced and are used, the amount of LCD waste is increasing at an alarming rate. LCD waste can be simply disassembled into a numerous parts, most of which are commonly recycled, but the LCD panels typically are not. Waste LCD panels are generally disposed of in landfills or by physical treatments. To prevent the pollution caused by waste LCD panel disposal, and control processing costs, ITRI thoroughly analyzed the characteristics and reusability of each material contained in LCD panels, and designed a logical separation procedure according to the associations between each material, first separating liquid crystal, indium, and glass, and then developing purification technology for each material which enables the reuse of these materials. Simply put, treating waste LCD panels with this system not only saves money, but can transform the panels’ material (liquid crystals, indium, and glass) into valuable, reusable products, not only increasing profits but effectively reducing the production of waste material. This is also a circular economy case of "cradle to cradle".
開啟循環經濟 : 廢液晶面板之再利用
A Circular Economy Case of LCD Waste Recycling System
LCDs have been the main display devices recently. To satisfy the increasing demands, billions of LCDs are manufactured annually. However, as more LCDs are produced and are used, the amount of LCD waste is increasing at an alarming rate. LCD waste can be simply disassembled into a numerous parts, most of which are commonly recycled, but the LCD panels typically are not. Waste LCD panels are generally disposed of in landfills or by physical treatments. To prevent the pollution caused by waste LCD panel disposal, and control processing costs, ITRI thoroughly analyzed the characteristics and reusability of each material contained in LCD panels, and designed a logical separation procedure according to the associations between each material, first separating liquid crystal, indium, and glass, and then developing purification technology for each material which enables the reuse of these materials. Simply put, treating waste LCD panels with this system not only saves money, but can transform the panels’ material (liquid crystals, indium, and glass) into valuable, reusable products, not only increasing profits but effectively reducing the production of waste material. This is also a circular economy case of "cradle to cradle".