徐遐生 (Frank Shu) 美國國家科學院/中央研究院 院士
徐遐生 (Frank Shu) 美國國家科學院/中央研究院 院士
Activating Biomass to Reverse Climate Change / Retarding Global Warming through Biocarbon
活化生物質反轉氣候變遷 / 以生物碳減緩地球暖化
– How to restore atmospheric CO2 to safe level by year 2100
– Greener source of ultrapure water for washing chips/wafers
– Large-scale usage of biocarbon, which is not burned, can give negative CO2 emission and reverse climate change before 2100
Activating Biomass to Reverse Climate Change / Retarding Global Warming through Biocarbon
活化生物質反轉氣候變遷 / 以生物碳減緩地球暖化
- Climate Mitigation: Goals & Objectives
– How to restore atmospheric CO2 to safe level by year 2100
- Principal concerns of Taiwan semiconductor industry:
– Greener source of ultrapure water for washing chips/wafers
- Carbonization of Biomass by Supertorrefaction (STR)
– Large-scale usage of biocarbon, which is not burned, can give negative CO2 emission and reverse climate change before 2100