- Master of Chemical Engineering Dept., Tatung University
- (2015~2020)任職於建越科技設計一部
- (2016)執行半導體M公司生物處理氨氮廢水系統工程之調適與改善
- (2017)執行半導體W公司廢硫酸除雙氧水系統工程設計與建置;執行半導體U公司氨氮廢水之熱風氣提及觸媒氧化系統調適
- (2018)執行半導體U公司氨氮廢水之低溫氣提及吸收系統工程設計與建置
- (2018~2020)執行半導體M公司有機廢水之廢水膜濃縮及觸媒氧化系統工程設計與建置
講題: Selective Catalytic Oxidation Technology on IPA & NH3 Wastewater Treatment
- This presentation shows the technology applied three processes to treat the IPAL and NH3 wastewater of low concentration (normally ranged between 500~10000 mg/L). Those processes included RO membrane, air stripping and selective catalytic oxidation (SCO). The wastewater could be treated to meet the discharge regulation effectively and economically without producing any additional sub-product for further disposal demand.
- The raw wastewater first was filtrated by RO membrane for rising the IPA and NH3 concentration and reducing the volume of wastewater at the same time. Sequentially, the concentrated wastewater was treated by air-stripping unit for removal of the volatile IPA and NH3 to the gas flow. Finally, the gas flow contained IPA and NH3 was treated by a SCO unit for decomposing IPA and NH3 into CO2, N2 and H2O. The exhaust gas from this system could be directly discharged to the ambient without any hazard concern. By the way, the residual heat in the exhaust gas could be recovered to pre-heat the inlet gas flow of SCO as an advantage of saving the system energy consumption.
- Furthermore, the permeated water from the RO membrane (recovery rate about 60~80%) could be recovered for supplying to cooling tower or backwash with just simple post-treatment.